021 — Reserving Fuel

021 — Reserving Fuel

How do you apply and reserve your fuel for the things you are working? That’s what I am wrestling with today. Typically, I reserve these early morning sessions for my personal stuff, so I can take advantage of the fresh tank of brain juice to pull from. I feel like with personal projects there’s always more critical thinking and personal hesitations that get in the way of getting things done that it takes that extra boost from the good morning fuel to break through them and keep going.

Although, today is unlike most of those days. Instead I am going to be working on some client stuff that has been lingering around a bit too long to see if I can knock that out early and use the rest of the day for personal stuff. Most notably, trying to commit some time to work on a site that is assisting with some relief efforts in Asheville, SC.

Over in the Verbs Discord, developers there have been contributing to two different relief effort sites. The first was disastercheckin.com, a site that allows people to text in updates via a phone number, and people who visit the site can do a reverse look-up via the phone number to check on the latest status of their family or friend who have posted. It was a way to allow for people to post updates when they get signal, and for multiple people to asynchronously check on the status of those people, without having to rely on the cellular networks for people to get some status of their loved ones.

Now that FEMA is in the area, the cellular networks seem to be more stabilized and people are able to communicate better now, so the effort in the Discord has transitioned to helping get clean water to the area, and assisting in the effort of managing the distribution of and requests for that water. For some reason, I can’t seem to find the site for that right now, but I will update the notes once I do.

I have always been a big fan of collaborative efforts around a local cause and this has started to inspire me to follow through on an idea that I have had incubating for a while now. More on that later, along with a link, but for now I need to get back to work and knock out this client work so I can make a real difference elsewhere.

— ✌️

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Ryan Hefner
Ryan Hefner
Having fun, building stuff. Currently building: https://www.transmits.io